ERG launches a case championship “IT in industry: solutions for a ferroalloy plant”

If you represent an IT startup or are studying in your final years at an IT university, then this information is for you! Apply for participation, solve a real case of an industrial giant in the country and receive the main prize - a cooperation agreement!

The case championship will be held in three stages:

  • The first is submitting an application and familiarizing yourself with the cases of the Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant, a branch of TNK Kazchrome, part of the ERG. Applications are accepted until April 19. In total, the organizers prepared 27 real cases: 21 of them for IT startups and 6 for senior students of IT universities.

  • The second stage is the selection of applications by company experts. All qualified participants will visit the Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant on April 24 (at the expense of the organizers). The company’s specialists will introduce participants to the technological process, demonstrate cases and answer questions from startups.

  • The third stage is the preparation of projects and IT solutions for selected cases within a month. The presentation of ready-made solutions will take place on May 24, 2024 in Astana, Hilton Astana Hotel, at the site of the “Industrial IT Forum: case championship and best practices of digital solutions for mining and metallurgical complexes.”

Grand Prize:
For IT companies whose solutions/MVPs are recognized as the best by the expert commission, a contract for the implementation of the presented IT solution will be concluded.
For students - a job offer in the IT department of the largest mining and metallurgical company ERG - Business & Technology Services LLP.
We are waiting for your applications!

Contact number: +7 702 8899 666

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